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Service & Product Track: High Performance Hydronics

About This Webinar

In this presentation, Dan Keirns will discuss some of the various projects he has designed that are a bit out of the ordinary to showcase how far you can take a hydronic system. There are lots of options that can be offered to the end user with just a single water heating appliance that you just can’t do with forced air, such as multiple temperature systems, snowmelt systems, indirect water heaters, freezer frost break systems, and more. He will also explain how he decides to use the items he uses to design a high-performing system for your customers.

Who can view: People who attended or registered for the webinar only
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Hydronics Specialist, Gustave A. Larson Company
Dan has been in the HVAC industry since 1990. Since then, he has had several roles in the industry, including a regional manager for a manufacturer, a manufacturer’s representative, and roles on the HVAC wholesale side. He prefers the wholesale side because he enjoys working with front line heating contractors. He volunteered his time on weekends to learn how to pipe from an old plumber who always wanted everything plumb and level, even if it was going to be covered up behind a wall. While learning, he discovered there wasn’t much he could not do with hydronics. Since about 2000, he has been working exclusively in the field of hydronics.
Hosted By
Gustave A Larson  webinar platform hosts Service & Product Track: High Performance Hydronics
Gustave A Larson Virtual Conference
Attended (28)