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REIGNx by Sisu - Virtual Summit - Upgrade your life, hack your brain

About This Webinar

In this session of the REIGNx Virtual Summit, we'll be joined by William Lam from UPGRD to discuss how you can upgrade your life and hack your brain.

William is a certified Master Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and an internationally sought-after mental reprogrammer. He will be sharing his insights on how you can use NLP techniques to upgrade your life and reach your goals.

If you're interested in this REIGNx session, you'll definitely want to catch Wiliams's talk live and in person at REIGN 2022 on September 27th where he'll be going deeper into this topic!

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Certified Master Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming
An internationally sought-after mental reprogrammer and a modern embodiment of new/ancient Chinese proverbs, William Lam is an American Board Certified Hypnotherapy Instructor, Certified Master Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and known as the “Yoda Of The West”.High net-worth individuals by the thousands have sought out the latest in mental programming, ultimately creating a tightly-knit community surrounding the trainings and principles of UPGRD and its instructors.Through gaining total control of their thoughts, emotions, and behavioral patterns, William and the principles in UPGRD have enabled every person that has surrendered their pre-conceptions and self-limiting beliefs to achieve personal heights and bests that have exceeded their largest, wildest previous goals.
Webinar hosting presenter
VP of Sales and Marketing Sisu
Zac is a highly skilled sales and marketing professional with numerous speaking engagements on his resume. He is passionate about software, streamlining processes, and helping individuals and teams grow and excel. He is passionate about technology, innovation, creativity, cold cereal, the great outdoors, his dog Twix, and above all, his beautiful wife and family.
Hosted By
Sisu webinar platform hosts REIGNx by Sisu - Virtual Summit - Upgrade your life, hack your brain
Sisu - your real estate operating system. Streamlining and automating your processes to help you grow and scale.
Attended (23)