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SAME Architectural Practice Webinar: Stacking the Deck with Modular Construction

About This Webinar

The pandemic, rising construction costs, and skilled labor shortages have highlighted the potential of modular construction as an alternative to conventional construction and project delivery. The promise of quality construction, budget-friendly products, combined with the challenge of accelerated project schedules are making headlines in design and construction journals. Modular building manufacturers and innovative designers are developing new product lines and concepts to meet the challenge. Schools, medical buildings, bathroom pods, industrial processing centers, and many other applications have employed modular construction techniques.

Has this approach provided value? This webinar will evaluate the potential of modular construction for alternate project delivery and discuss the possible benefits for your next project. This webinar will provide a brief history of modular construction, offer tools for project implementation, and present examples of projects that have used these techniques to solve complex design problems and create uncontested market space.

  • Understand the advantages of modular construction
  • Evaluate if modular construction may be an alternative means to conventional construction
  • Learn how to implement modular construction during a project
  • Explore how to leverage modular construction to suit unique project challenges
Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
VP, NASA & Navy Client Service Leader, Gannett Fleming TranSystems
Darryl Moser is a registered architect with over 35 years of experience in the field of architecture, planning and design, and working with diverse clients and stakeholders. His resume includes award-winning planning, building design, and project management of government, military, commercial, educational, hospitality, manufacturing, health care, and cultural projects in the US and internationally. He has designed projects throughout the US, in Europe, and the Middle East.
Webinar hosting presenter
Principal Architect, Gannett Fleming TranSystems
George Olear is a principal architect in Gannett Fleming TranSystems’ architecture group. His architectural design experience includes the development of conceptual designs and follow-through during design development and construction. In addition to traditional construction projects, George has developed modular construction methodology using steel and concrete to solve unique building design criteria, which can be built at costs competitive with conventional construction.
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