Hope alone won't change your life, but habits will. Using the scriptural analogy of a harvest, Craig Groeschel reminds us of the value of meaningful small decisions we make everyday and the impact it can have.
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    Craig Groeschel
    Founder & Senior Pastor, Life.Church; Best-Selling Author; Champion of the GLS
    Globally recognized as a leader of leaders, Craig Groeschel is the founder and senior pastor of Life.Church. Known for their missional approach to leveraging the latest technology, Life.Church facilitates online and in-person services across 40 campuses with a weekly attendance of over 85,000 people. Innovative creator of the YouVersion Bible App, which has more than half a billion downloads worldwide, Life.Church was instrumental in providing free tools to churches navigating virtual experiences in the wake of the global health pandemic in 2020. On behalf of The Global Leadership Summit, he advocates to build leaders in every sector of society. He is a New York Times best-selling author and the host of the top- ranked Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast.