Deliver business value with the right quality at speed! That's what organizations ask of their IT teams and in order to achieve this, IT people need to work closely together. Cross-functional teams of business analysts, developers, testers, operations people, and other involved areas of expertise, join forces to work towards key business objectives.
Collaboration is key! Collaboration between people that have shared responsibility and pick up the tasks that need to be done, based on competences and roles, no longer worrying about official functions.
The DevOps culture is the enabler for this way of high-performance IT delivery, using an automated CI/CD pipeline to deliver at speed. But how do you deliver value with the right quality using DevOps? This webinar will explain how to enable teams to implement quality engineering practices using our body of knowledge that contains various approaches, practical examples and concise explanations. We trust that teams will benefit from this and enhance their collaboration to deliver value to their stakeholders.
In the DevOps culture, quality goes beyond the QA & testing people, it is the responsibility of everyone. Everyone has to be taken in a very broad sense, not merely on the technical side, it also includes the process on how things are done and what is most important to the business. If you optimize for quality you will eliminate bottleneck after bottleneck.
We hope that you will find value in this webinar and wish you success and joy in applying the contents in your daily work.
Note: all contents of the webinar is derived from the newly launched book Quality in DevOps teams - The presenters, Rik Marselis and Wouter Ruigrok are the writers behind the book.