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En "LIVE" og praktisk sesjon på blant annet TLS, SPF og DMARC hvor vi bistår deg/din virksomhet med å etablere et sikrere epost-oppsett, enten du har ett eller flere domener.

Lær hvordan du kan undersøke om et oppsett har mangler og hvordan det bør se ut for å følge beste praksis!

Er du lei av at andre/angripere kan sende epost/phishing på vegne av dine/virksomhetens domener, så er dette foredraget for deg!
  • 1707230404-21db46658cae1f97
    Jarle Børven
    Jarle started his interest in IT security when he was in secondary school when one of his friends was hacked. This led Jarle to search for all resources on hacking and IT security. The interest has only grown stronger, and he is today an important resource with his unique expertise.

    Throughout his career, Jarle has always been regarded as the person in the company who has knowledge regarding many things, and who loves challenges. He started his career in customer support, but he quickly moved on to operational positions. Within operations, he has worked with everything IT infrastructure has to offer. Jarle is the kind of person who takes challenges head on, and has therefore taken on assignments and tasks that no one else dares to take on. This has meant that he has gained a wide range of experience, and always wants to challenge himself.

    He is very concerned about cyber security at all levels in a company. Jarle is incredibly good at finding good, technical solutions and thinking holistically. His broad experience and the fact that he likes challenges come in handy when he performs penetration testing.

    Jarle is one of those who is also happy to share his knowledge, and has therefore given presentations and training at everything from conferences to companies and municipalities.

    Jarle is a penetration tester and incident handler at Netsecurity.