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ICCFA Webinar Series #35: A Blue Christmas: Grief and Loss During Holidays and Special Occasions

About This Webinar

Holidays can be joyful celebrations that bring family and friends together, but for many, they are also a time when grief and holiday celebrations collide. This webinar will explore the major aspects of grief as a natural emotional response to loss, with a focus on how individuals and families experience special occasions differently. We’ll discuss the active process of mourning, examine various models of coping with grief, and provide actionable strategies funeral professionals can use to support grieving families during holidays. Discover how you can help families create new meaning and navigate emotional challenges during these significant moments.

  • Identify the major aspects of grief as a common emotional response to loss and mourning as an active process.
  • Identify how different holidays/special occasions are embraced by different people in different ways.
  • Describe different models of how people actively cope with grief.
  • List strategies for helping families and communities during special occasions.
Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Professor of Thanatology Director: Master of Science in Thanatology | Edgewood College
Janet McCord, PhD, FT, Professor of Thanatology and Thanatology Program Director at Edgewood College, has been a thanatologist and suicidologist for over 30 years. She is a death educator who teaches a broad array of topics in thanatology and suicidology and has educated hundreds of master’s level students around the globe in graduate thanatology programs. She has been a member of the International Work Group on Death, Dying and Bereavement (IWG) since 2016 and embraces the IWG’s vision as her own: a world where dying, death, and bereavement are an open part of all cultures.
Webinar hosting presenter
ICCFA Meetings Manager
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ICCFA webinar platform hosts ICCFA Webinar Series #35: A Blue Christmas: Grief and Loss During Holidays and Special Occasions
Webinars presented by the ICCFA.