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"The Lipstick Effect:" Which Categories are Winning or Losing in the Cost of Living Crisis?

About This Webinar

While some CPG categories are struggling during the cost of living crisis, others are thriving. This is the foundation of the "lipstick effect" concept. Affordable luxuries, like lipstick, seem to be recession-proof, while others take the hit.

Need to know how consumers are engaging with your category right now and what you can learn from other thriving categories?To help your CPG brand protect market share, Streetbees has launched a Cost of Living Monitor and will share the latest insights in this webinar for the food, beverage, alcohol, beauty and personal care categories.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
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Quirk's Media webinar platform hosts "The Lipstick Effect:" Which Categories are Winning or Losing in the Cost of Living Crisis?
Quirk's Media Virtual Sessions
Attended (32)