Join us on Thursday, 15 May at 7:00 pm to hear from Fr Charlie Chilufya, a priest based in Kenya and Director of JENA (Jesuit Justice and Ecology Network, Africa) who is an expert on the debt crisis and on the human suffering that this is causing in Kenya. We will also be joined by Maria Finnerty, CAFOD’s Lead Economist and author of our recent report, Jubilee 2025: The new global debt crisis and its solutions.
There is a global debt crisis affecting millions of our sisters and brothers in the world’s poorest countries. As huge sums of money go to pay debts to governments, banks and institutions, health and education budgets are left desperately underfunded. There are practical steps that could resolve this and we are campaigning for urgent action in this Jubilee Year, historically a time for debts to be cancelled and inequality to be addressed. Pope Francis has called for debt cancellation in the Jubilee Year, saying, “More than a question of generosity, this is a matter of justice.”
Director of the JCAM Justice and Ecology Office (JEO)
Fr. Charles Chilufya is coordinating the Jubilee Coalition for debt cancellation in Africa and works for the Jesuit Conference of Africa and Madagascar (JCAM) as director of the JCAM Justice and Ecology Office (JEO) since 2018. The JCAM Justice...
Celeste works with people who volunteer with CAFOD. Alongside supporting volunteers to participate in working with their parish communities to address global social issues like climate change and food insecurity, she also hosts webinars for CAFOD...