The loss of biodiversity is one of the top five threats that humanity faces. It will have severe implications not only for business, which relies on biodiversity for stable and resilient supply chains, but also on broader society – particularly poor and marginalised communities that are heavily dependent on nature for food, fuel and fibre.
Join Positive Luxury CEO Diana Verde Nieto, Kristin Rechberger, CEO, Dynamic Planet; Mark Gough, CEO, the Capitals Coalition, and Annelisa Grigg, Director and Sustainability Advisor, Globalbalance to explore exactly what biodiversity is, why it is a reputational risk, and what businesses can do to preserve biodiversity in their supply chain.
What biodiversity encompasses
Why it's a reputational risk
What businesses can do to preserve biodiversity in their supply chain
Thursday, October 21, 2021 · 15:00
Duration: 1 hour
Who can attend?Everyone
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(listen only):Yes.
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Diana Verde Nieto is the Co-Founder and CEO of Positive Luxury. The company supports luxury brands with expert advice, industry analysis and independent certification, keeping them at the forefront of the world’s rapid transition towards a...
Mark Gough is the CEO of the Capitals Coalition, a global collaboration of business, governments and civil society that is transforming the way that decisions are made by including the value provided by nature and people.
Previously, Mark led...
Kristin is CEO of Dynamic Planet, which helps build regenerative seascapes and landscapes with communities through conservation economy development. Dynamic Planet’s portfolio includes expanding effectively managed marine and land protected areas...
Director and Sustainability Advisor, Globalbalance
Annelisa is Director and Sustainability Advisor at consultancy Globalbalance Ltd, biodiversity advisor to Aviva Investors, board member of Partnership Biodiversity Accounting Financials and a fellow of UNEP-WCMC. She has more than 20 years’...