Severe allergy and anaphylaxis in infants presents many challenges and much uncertainty. This presentation will explore the most common causes of anaphylaxis in infants, the challenges in recognising the signs of anaphylaxis and how it differs from older children/adults and the treatment of anaphylaxis in infants

The Impact on daily life of caring for infant at risk of anaphylaxis can be significant and we will explore how the Anaphylaxis Campaign works with healthcare professionals to support families through the BSACI guidance for weaning infants and preventing food allergy in higher risk infants.

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    Lynne Regent
    CEO Anaphylaxis Campaign
    Lynne Regent joined the Anaphylaxis Campaign as Chief Executive (CEO) in October 2008. Prior to taking up this role she spent 30 years working in the NHS in the UK, ultimately as Chief Executive of Crawley Primary Care Trust in the South East. As CEO of the Anaphylaxis Campaign her role is to ensure that the charity achieves its objective of helping people at risk of severe allergies live their lives. She is a member of the National Allergy Strategy Group (NASG), which is the alliance of the professional organisation for Immunologists and Allergists with patient support groups in the UK. She is also on the Patient Organising Committee for EAACI (European Association of Allergy and Clinical Immunology) and on the committee of IFAAA (International Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Association). She is also a member of the EAACI Task force on Anaphylaxis. During 2013-2017 she led the UK patient group involvement in iFAAM which was the largest ever European-wide study of the severely allergic population to be undertaken, and examined an integrated approach to food allergens and allergy risk management. She is currently on steering groups for a number of current international research projects particularly looking at immunotherapy as the way forward for the allergic sufferer.