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Make It Happen: Small-Scale Development in Historic Areas

About This Webinar

We all have those missing teeth vacant lots, that giant educational building that has sat underutilized for the last decade, and the vacant upper-floors on Main Street. How can we as commissioners, municipal staff, nonprofits, or citizen preservationists make sure the small-scale development in our historic districts happens – in a sensitive, economical, and community-supported way?

Learn from the municipal, nonprofit, and private sectors on how small-scale development occurs and what you can do to help make it happen in your historic district. Hear how you can collaborate across sectors to bring long-vacant assets back to productive use, how a regional nonprofit takes direct action to save more places, and how grassroots support can sway developers and the regulatory environment.

CE Credits: 1.5 AIA | AICP | HSW

Who can view: People who registered for the webinar only
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Trudy Andrzejewski is the Asset Redevelopment Strategist for the City of Cleveland, OH's Department of Community Development. In this role, she champions reinvestment opportunities for publicly-owned assets through collaborative partnerships, RFP/RFQ processes and asset-based community development strategies. Trudy previously worked with the City of Cleveland's Mayor's Office, the Presidio Trust in San Francisco, and the Cleveland Restoration Society, a place-based, preservation-focused nonprofit with work ranging from residential rehabilitation to advocacy and cultural heritage programming. Trudy holds a Master of Preservation Studies from the Tulane School of Architecture in New Orleans and a Bachelor of Arts in American Studies from Kenyon College.
Email: andrzejewski.trudy@gmail.com
Webinar hosting presenter
Principal, Community Planning Collaborative
Ennis is a planner with a passion for cultural heritage preservation and urban planning that dates to a childhood of listening to his ancestors pass down family history and stories of African American life in the racially segregated south. A sixth generation Floridian from Winter Haven, his desire for equitable community development and opportunity led him to pursue a Bachelor of Architecture degree at Florida A&M University.

A Gullah Geechee descendant with 21 years experience in the fields of planning, architecture and real estate development, Ennis is a public historian dedicated to inclusively uplifting people, communities and protecting their culture, heritage and sense of place. In addition, he is a Florida Trust for Historic Preservation Trustee, Vice President of Membership and Outreach for the Florida Chapter of the American Planning Association (APA), Groundwork Jacksonville Board member, author of the award-winning books Reclaiming Jacksonville, Cohen Brothers: The Big Store and Images of Modern America: Jacksonville, and co-founder of online media publications TheJaxsonmag.com and Moderncities.com.
Email: ennis@planningcollab.com
Webinar hosting presenter
Consultant, Ethos Preservation
A talented organizer and researcher, Briana Paxton, is a consultant with Ethos Preservation, based in Savannah, GA. She was most recently an Associate Principal at PlaceEconomics, providing economic impact studies, incentives development, and preservation toolkit services to municipal and nonprofit clients in 15+ states. Paxton serves on the national Board of Directors for the National Alliance of Preservation Commissions and as chairwoman of Preservation Action, America’s grassroots lobby for historic preservation.
Email: bri.paxton@gmail.com
Webinar hosting presenter
Executive Director, Preservation Buffalo Niagara
Bernice Radle serves as Executive Director for Preservation Buffalo Niagara. With over 10 years of work and activism in the Buffalo area, Radle is the owner and CEO of Buffalove Development and Little Wheel Restoration Company. She is also the Vice Chair of the City of Buffalo Zoning Board of Appeals and a faculty member of the Incremental Development Alliance. She was also the host of American Rehab Buffalo on the DIY Network. She has a B.S. in Urban Planning and Regional Analysis from Buffalo State University. Radle will be transitioning out of her role at Buffalove Development in March.
Email: bernice@pbnsaves.org
Attended (255)