ADHD僱主或僱員時常遇到上述困難和挑戰,令他們公司的業務或工作表現強差人意,今次工作坊請來加拿大ADDA主席Duane Gordon分享,ADHDer在職場上遇到問題,他們本身的優勢,以及如何能在工作場所內發揮自我潛能。
Can't concentrate on work? Forget to do the tasks and procedures? Are you always restless during meetings? ADHD employers or ADHD employees often encounter these difficulties and challenges, which make their company's business or work performance getting worse. In this webinar, Duane Gordon, the Chairman of ADHD in Canada, will explain how ADHDers can overcome these problems and play to their strength at work.