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How can managers prepare for business disruption?

About This Webinar

This Manufacturing Management webinar, sponsored by Ceridian, the leading provider of workforce management and HR software, explores how business leaders can prepare for disruption and the changing relationship between managers and staff.

Ceridian’s Rachel Mandley presents the findings of recent research into changing business habits post-pandemic, while Rob Smith, HR director of engineering services provider NG Bailey explores how leaders can predict – and prepare for – future disruption and the skills gap.

Watch on-demand now to learn:

• How can we anticipate the large-scale disruptions within the manufacturing workforce, like another pandemic, that might be coming next?
• Why are manufacturers finding it difficult to close obvious skills gaps internally, even when positions remain vacant for months at a time?
• Given that DEI initiatives are highly personal and sensitive, how can manufacturers foster open communications about DEI issues that matter to their employees?
• How can manufacturers ensure that their workforce technologies are keeping pace within an increasingly dynamic world?
• What is one skill leaders should hone to help their organizations be disruption-proof?

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter MAB Events
Digital Event Executive
Webinar hosting presenter
Account Executive, Ceridian
Webinar hosting presenter
HR Director NG Bailey