Navigating the Swiss Food & Beverage distribution jungle
Many start-ups get stuck when it comes to the actually selling and shipping their products into the specific channels. What channels (also alternative) do exist, how to you get there, who do you talk to, how do you (price) position your product and how do you maintain & accelerate sales there?
Learn how to:
1. Navigate the ecosystem (distribution & customers)
2. Handle the buyer profiles
3. Survive the negotiation journey
Thursday, June 4, 2020 · 5:00 p.m.
Bern (GMT +2:00)
Cyrill Kressibucher
Head of Sales at a Swiss Brewery
Cyrill is an FMCG sales & food imports expert (9 years) with a strong understanding & vision of distribution channels & -ecosystem. He is now leading the sales at a Swiss brewery.
Constantin Papadopoulos
Founder GSSP
Constantin implements B2B Sales acceleration & redesign projects. He is also a communication & negotiation trainer.