Robotic process automation (RPA) software is available to assist Pharma by reducing the time to market, costs in production and improving the management of the compliance requirements, but it also requires a lean and solid validation life cycle to achieve the full potential and deliver the benefits in the Life Science industry.
This webinar provides an overview of RPA technology with a risk-based approach to decide which processes can be automated, major causes of RPA failure, and how to stay compliant with it.
Learn how to create a Compliance methodology and implement a robust Validation framework to fulfill all the requirements from the International Regulators as FDA and EMA.
Benefits of Attending
- Discover how RPA can improve your business
- Get to common risks of RPA to be aware
- Understand the compliance aspects of RPA implementation and how to handle them
- Learn how to create a Validation framework for RPA
Tuesday, May 25, 2021 · 4:00 p.m.
Berlin (GMT +2:00)
Vinicius Tarantino
Digital Compliance Manager
Gabriel Sena
Digital Compliance Consultant
Tame Compliance, Avoid Penalties, & Trim Costs
Get the Customized GxP Compliance Strategy You Need In the Pharmaceutical, Medical and Dental Industries