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About This Webinar

The CHOP Research and Clinical Vector Core provide state-of-the-art technology in lentivirus (LV) and AAV-based vectors for gene transfer in research, pre-clinical pharm-tox studies, and early-phase clinical trials. The core has extensive experience in the manufacture of LV and multiple AAV serotypes and provides research-grade, GMP-comparable, and GMP-grade viral vectors at a variety of scales.

Language: English
Who can attend? Everyone
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Danhong Cao
Sr. Resource Coordinator
Webinar hosting presenter
Director, Clinical Vector Core
Dr. van der Loo has been involved in the GMP manufacturing of viral vectors for early phase clinical trials since 2002. He received his PhD from the Erasmus University in Rotterdam in stem cell biology in 1995, completed a post-doctoral fellowship at Indiana University on a grant from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, initiated a GMP Vector Production Facility at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center in 2002, and served as its director for 13 years. His expertise includes process development and manufacturing of several viral vector platforms including gamma-retrovirus, lentivirus and AAV, and GMP facility design, commissioning and qualification. Currently, Dr. van der Loo is the Director of the Clinical Vector Core at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. He is a member of the Editorial Board of Molecular Therapy – Methods & Clinical Development, a member of Translational Science and Product Development Committee of the American Society of Gene & Cell Therapy, a member of the 4Bio Ventures Management Advisory Board, and serves as consultant in several capacities.
Webinar hosting presenter
Director, Research Vector Core
Hosted By
ASGCT 23rd Annual Meeting  webinar platform hosts The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia CCMT Vector Cores
The full session archive, available exclusively for attendees of the American Society of Gene & Cell Therapy's 23rd Annual Meeting, May 12-15, 2020.