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Unleash the Potential of Gantt, Deck, and Portal Creation with Sirius Web!

About This Webinar

Replay: https://youtu.be/W_1D3zdGYz0
Slides: https://www.obeosoft.com/ressources/presentations/sirius/20250130_SiriusWebinar_Slides

Discover how to design your own custom Gantt charts, Decks, and Portals using Sirius Web!

Sirius Web is an open-source project that simplifies the development of web-based graphical modeling applications. It empowers users to create, edit, and visualize data through custom views tailored to their specific needs.

With Sirius Web, you can craft a variety of views to represent your data: forms, diagrams, text, Gantt charts, maps, and more.

In this webinar, we’ll focus on the Gantt, Deck, and Portal representations, significantly enhanced in recent releases.

Join us for a guided exploration of this Sirius Web capability!

  • For Studio Creators: Learn how to specify custom views such as Gantt charts, Decks, and Portals with Sirius Web.
  • For End Users: Discover how to use the studio to create and edit these representations effortlessly.
  • Whether you’re building studios or using them to simplify your workflows, this webinar will showcase how Sirius Web transforms data visualization and customization into an intuitive process.
Who can view: Channel admins and those who can manage the webinar
Webinar Price: Free
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Webinar hosting presenter
Stéphane Bégaudeau is a Web Development and Modeling Consultant at Obeo, working mainly on Sirius Web. He graduated from the Nantes University of Sciences and Technology.
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