PRRS virus is thought to be the most economically important disease in global pig production. Laura will explain how the PRRS virus causes disease and why it entails such significant costs. She will then talk about how the virus’ impact can be minimised, and even eliminated, by the use of good herd management and vaccination

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  • 1602606047-77f81391e4d7a821
    Dr Laura Hancox BVetMed PhD MRCVS
    National Veterinary Manager
    Laura graduated as a vet from the Royal Veterinary College in 2009, she then went to the University of Nottingham to complete a PhD on gut dysfunction in the young pig. After being awarded her PhD Laura worked at a specialised pig practice in the South West of England for 3 years before joining Zoetis in 2016 as the National Veterinary Manager for pigs.