Music theory is central to musicianship. These classes provide an opportunity to go over some key concepts with an expert and serve as a springboard for further study throughout the year. Level 3 (chapters 1-5 in Steinke/Harder, Harmonic Materials in Tonal Music, Part 1):
Definitions (tonal, keynote, key, iteration, tonality, tonal center, tonal harmony, intervals, chords, triads, harmonic interval, root, diatonic triads), The structure of tonality (harmonic tonality, functional harmony, primary triads, secondary triads, neutral chord, active triad, progressions [basic, opening, closing], basic harmonic phrases, retrogression, tonal variety), Triads in root position: doubling and spacing (figured bass symbols, three- or four-part texture, voice crossing, close/open structure, vacant tone, sonority), Triads in root position: voice leading (relative motion, consecutive intervals, common tones, redistributing tones, augmented intervals, doubling principles, spacing principles), Triads in first and second inversion (root position, inverted triads, sonority, incorrect parallel motion, irregular doubling, active tone, six-four chord types, irregular resolution, nonessential function)
Level 4 (chapters 6-10 in Steinke/Harder, Harmonic Materials in Tonal Music, Part 1):
Introduction to seventh chords and the dominant seventh (dissonance, diatonic seventh chords [major-minor, fully diminished, etc.], first/second/third inversions, dissonant elements), Phrase structure and cadences (phrase, melodic contour, cadence types [authentic, plagal, half, deceptive, final and non-final, perfect and imperfect, picardy third, Phrygian]), Nonharmonic tones (identify and know how to write the following: passing tone--unaccented and accented, neighboring tone, appoggiatura, escape tone, anticipation, suspension, retardation, ornamentation, changing tone, pedal, free tone), Harmonic progression (progression & retrogression, relative strength of various types of root movement, primary triads and their secondary triads in harmonic progression, structural and embellishing harmony, relation of a basic harmonic structure to the phrase as a whole), Melody harmonization (choice of cadence, base line, tonality, harmonic rhythm, basic harmonic structure, embellishments of basic harmonic structure)