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10 March: What It Means to “See” Your Students: Responding to the Needs of Diverse Youth

About This Webinar

Presented by Elizabeth Self

Teachers often do harm to their relationships with students when they fail to see them not only as individuals but also as members of cultural groups that have been marginalized in U.S. society. In order to heal these relationships, teachers must let go of “culture blindness” and learn to see with a “cultural eye.” In the first half of this session, I will share my current research on clinical simulations and how simulations can be used to develop cultural competence among both pre- and in-service teachers. I will walk teachers through one such simulation in order to better understand the potential dangers of “culture blindness.” In the second half of the session, I will work to help mathematics teachers think about what they can do in their own classrooms to better “see” their students in ways that support mathematics outcomes as well as healthy identity development.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Webinar ID: 853621642f6a
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Megan Hayes-Golding
I'm @mgolding on Twitter and I blog at http://www.kalamitykat.com. Oh, and I also *love* superheroes.
Webinar hosting presenter Paula Torres
30 yr math teacher turned Tech Coach. I have gotten SO MANY AMAZING ideas from GMD presentations. One of the best free PD's ever!!
Hosted By
Global Math Department webinar platform hosts 10 March: What It Means to “See” Your Students: Responding to the Needs of Diverse Youth
The Global Math Department began as a group of teachers who knew each other through Twitter, math education blogs and Twitter Math Camp. Since 2012 The Global Math Department community has grown into a multi-faceted group of math educators who love to share their ideas related to teaching and learning mathematics. We recognize that as educators we are charged with promoting equity and access within mathematics instruction. In addition, we believe it is crucial that teachers be provided with quality resources and ideas that they can use immediately with their students. Lively and friendly conversations in our weekly webinars encourage all participants to share and continue to grow as educators.
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