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Sirius Web Product Tour: The Low-Code Solution for Creating Web-based Graphical Modeling Applications

About This Webinar

Video: https://bit.ly/sirius_webinar_230629_video
Slides: https://bit.ly/sirius_webinar_230629_slides

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Sirius Web is an open-source project that simplifies the development of web-based graphical modeling applications. It empowers users to create, edit, and visualize their own data in customized views.

Sirius Web supports node-based, form-based, and textual views, making it suitable for various applications such as software architecture modeling, model-based systems engineering, safety analysis, database management, and more...

Join us on this webinar for a guided tour of the Sirius Web project:
- What are the core principles of Sirius Web?
- What does an application created with Sirius Web look like for end-users?
- Where can you integrate your Sirius Web applications with other web-based applications?

Who can view: Channel admins and those who can manage the webinar
Webinar Price: Free
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Webinar hosting presenter
Mélanie Bats works as CTO at Obeo. In my daily work, I am mainly focused on managing the R&D team, creating products based on our own open source technologies. I am used to work in the development of modeling tools with Sirius like UML Designer. I am committer for the EEF and the Sirius projects. I am also involved in the Eclipse community as being the Eclipse Planning Council chair. I am also a free software activist who has organized and participated in free software events in the Toulouse area.
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Attended (34)