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The B2B Marketing Trends You Need to Know (Backed by Science!)

About This Webinar

You can't swing a cat without hitting a round up of B2B marketing trends and best practices. First of all, you shouldn't swing cats. Secondly, most of those trend reports are a couple dudes in a conference room coming up with ideas over pizza, and turning them into a blog post.


Uberflip, led by effervescent CMO Randy Frisch, commissioned a research project and surveyed hundreds of real B2B marketers to find out what THEY think are the top trends for this year.

That's right, people like YOU decided what the trends are, and what is a bunch of phooey.

You could read the entire report on these trends (and you should). But we know that you are busy. There's Netflix to watch. And it's almost playoff hockey and hoops season. So to make it easy on you (we're all about the giving) we summarized these key trends for you in just NINE MINUTES!

That's right, Randy is joined by Jay Baer (founder of Convince & Convert, New York Times best-selling author, hall-of-fame keynote speaker) in a tight, timely, terrific conversation about what B2B marketers REALLY need to be paying attention to right now.

We've done all we can do:
- We commissioned the research
- We studied the data
- We found the trends
- We wrote the report
- We recruited Jay Baer
- We created a special conversation that's only NINE MINUTES long

Why? So that you can kick ass in your job.

Let's do this, together! Tune in here for the special conversation starring Randy Frisch & Jay Baer.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Christin K
Co-Founder, CMO, and President of Uberflip
Randy Frisch is the CMO and Co-Founder at Uberflip, a content experience platform that empowers B2B marketers to create personalized content experiences for demand generation, ABM, content marketing, and sales enablement at scale.
Hosted By
Convince & Convert webinar platform hosts The B2B Marketing Trends You Need to Know (Backed by Science!)
Jay Baer's Convince & Convert webinar channel