What if giving away something as small as drip coffee could dramatically increase your brand’s bottom line?
Loyalty programs are about more than giving away free stuff; a program is ultimately designed to keep guests engaged with your brand. But as part of a guest engagement strategy, a “free” offering can produce incredible results. One popular convenience brand saw a 30 percent lift in spend and a 25 percent increase in visits after deploying a free coffee offering. And that’s only the start of the story behind the value of “free.”
Paytronix Loyalty and Data Strategist, Donnie Fairbanks joins this webinar to explore results from three proven approaches to delivering on the “Free for Members” concept. Donnie’s analysis will include real world examples, performance benchmarks and best practices, to provide attendees a basis for bringing their programs to the next level through the power of “Free.”
Join this webinar to learn:
• Industry examples of “free for members” concepts that have delivered real results
• Best practices in shaping free offerings for your brand
• Performance benchmarks to measure your campaign success