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The Renewed Focus on Economic Development and Life Sciences Projects

About This Webinar

The session will cover the ups and downs of 2020, and the impact on the economic development community across the country with a specific focus on the life sciences industry. This talk is a positive look at the “year that was”, with a very encouraging outlook for what is to come in this country in economic development.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: $35.00
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Partner, Womble Bond Dickinson
Stephanie works with new and expanding businesses in identifying and negotiating all aspects of a complete incentive package, advocating before the proper entities during all phases of the incentive approval process. Investigate South Carolina’s largest economic development deals of the past 20 years, and chances are Stephanie played a role in making them happen. Her efforts on behalf of clients have led to the creation of thousands of new jobs and billions of dollars in new investments.
Attended (31)