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Top 5 Ways To Create Great Videos For Social Media

About This Webinar

How do entrepreneurs create the right videos to entice customers and clients to buy?

Creating videos can feel like a full-time job. There's the camera set-up. There’s the lighting. There’s (ugh) the talking part. Also the panicking about the talking part. We need to feed the social media beast...but where to begin? What makes content "good" content? How do you do it effectively? Let's figure out ways to create videos that work for the folks who buy what you sell.

I've been building businesses for over a decade. In that time, I’ve tried a million trillion quadrillion different things on many, many different websites in order to sell my products and services. While a lot hasn’t worked, plenty has. So to save you some time and a few headaches, I wanna share my top tips with you.

Join me on Tuesday, June 13 at 11AM CT, for my FREE workshop on the top 5 ways to create great videos for social media. See you soon.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Webinar ID: 917a1e7792e2
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Jill Salzman
Founding Mom Since '07
Professional brainstormer, do-it evangelist, sassy speaker, lover of chocolate, founder of The Founding Moms + host of the Why Are We Shouting? podcast.
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The FM Webinar Channel webinar platform hosts Top 5 Ways To Create Great Videos For Social Media
The Founding Moms is the #1 community that helps mom entrepreneurs to build better businesses.
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