Building Bridges 2025 Info Session for Action Days Event Proposals
Tuesday, March 4, 2025 · 3:00 p.m.
The Building Bridges community meets every year around its flagship event in Geneva. Key decision makers and experts from the finance and corporate sectors, government, civil society, academia and sustainable development communities gather around a common agenda. In 2025, our 6th Edition from 30 September to 2 October, will again provide a unique platform to share, learn and act, in a collective way.
The iconic crowd-sourced Action Days programme brings three days of sustainable finance events to life. This platform provides organisations active in sustainability and finance the opportunity to showcase their efforts and initiatives to the wider movement, and build bridges in the process.
This info session is designed for those who are considering submitting an event proposal to get more information and ask questions.
Application process
- Prospective event organisers have from March 4 to April 2, 2025 to submit their proposals to the Building Bridges Action Days Selection Committee.
- After the submission deadline, all events will be assessed and a complete programme will be set up.
- Notifications will be sent to all applicants by mid-May.
Who can apply?
- Any type of organisations (public & private financial institutions, non-profit, governmental, multilateral, academia, corporate, etc.) are welcome to apply.
- Building Bridges is an internationally-focused event, and therefore welcomes proposals from organisers based anywhere in the world. While there are some benefits to being in Switzerland in the lead-up for logistical planning, many event organisers have successfully run events during Building Bridges without seeing the venue in advance or being physically present during the planning stages.
- Proposals must relate to sustainable finance and/or financing the SDGs.
- Embody the vision and mission of Building Bridges.
- Appeal to participants from a range of sectors and focus areas, specifically the private finance industry and the sustainable development communities (NGOs, international orgs, etc.).
- Not be solely promotional for a single company or organisation, for example having a primary purpose of selling a product or service.
- Open to anyone attending Building Bridges.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025 · 3:00 p.m.
Duration: 1 hour
Who can attend?Everyone
Dial-in available?
(listen only):Yes.
Dial-in Number:
Please register for this Webinar to view the dial-in info.
Building Bridges is an open and collaborative effort that aims to accelerate the transition to a sustainable financial system.
Building Bridges brings diverse actors from the finance industry, the United Nations, international organizations, NGOs, academia, and government together in collaboration around a common vision of advancing sustainable finance to address the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).