If you have ever attended I/ITSEC, you know that it is a multi-layered event with an overwhelming array of options for engagement. They all look interesting and too many happen at the same time! And then there is the vast exhibit hall and so many companies and people to meet. Perhaps you are exhibiting at I/ITSEC and you're wondering how to maximize that time on the show floor to lead to actual business growth.
Whether you have attended numerous times or will be attending for the first time, you will gain insights and advice from this final Tech Grove Connect webinar of 2023. Join us as we share insights from both government and industry perspectives on how to maximize the ROI from attending I/ITSEC 2023. And share your insights as well!
1 hour
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NTSA represents the modeling, simulation, and training industries. Through its forums and events, NTSA brings government, academia, and industry together to develop new training and simulation solutions.