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  • About
    A free, online information session for surveyors to discuss the Grimsby to Walpole pylons scheme, delivered by specialist compulsory purchase solicitors from Holmes & Hills’ Compulsory Purchase and Development Consent Division.

    Attending this free online information session will provide for you understanding the legislation surrounding the scheme, how the scheme will progress through the legal process, and how we can work in partnership on CPO and DCO cases

    What the free online information session will cover:

    1. The legal framework applicable to Development Consent Orders (DCOs)
    - An overview of the DCO process, focusing on the specific stages that directly impact property valuation and compensation assessments.
    - Critical stages where surveyors can guide clients, providing insights on how to align valuation strategies with legal timing, and when to seek legal consultation.

    2. Treatment of ‘Online’ and ‘Offline’ property and land
    - Clarify these classifications in practical terms for surveyors, covering how each type of land affects valuation and compensation options.
    - Discuss the legal differences for ‘Online’ and ‘Offline’ property and land, helping surveyors leverage these distinctions in their valuation and advisory roles.

    3. Different ways in which National Grid may impose rights.

    4. Compensation schemes. Including discussing:
    - What is known about National Grid's existing compensation schemes.
    - Opportunities for maximising settlements
    - Rights of business owners
    - Rights in respect of agricultural holdings

    5. Question & Answer session.
  • Duration
    1 hour
  • Price
  • Language
  • Dial-in available
    (listen only)
    Not available.