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Top 5 Ways to Maximize Your Outcome in a DSO Affiliation

Wednesday, October 11, 2023 · 5:30 p.m. · Pacific Time (US & Canada)
About This Webinar

In this live webinar, we will discuss the current state of the DSO marketplace, pros and cons of selling to a DSO, common deal structures and keys to maximizing your outcome in a DSO affiliation. If you are considering partnering with a DSO at some point, this is a must-see webinar.

The dental industry has experienced an unbelievable amount of consolidation by private equity-backed DSOs over the past five years. With the industry evolving at a rapid pace and market conditions constantly shifting, it is imperative to understand your options and chart a course to maximize your outcome from a DSO affiliation. In this live webinar, we’ll discuss the current state of the DSO marketplace and how to position your practice for a successful DSO transaction.

  • State of the DSO marketplace: DSO buyer demand, EBITDA multiples, how rising interest rates and capital market constraints are impacting valuation and deal terms
  • Pros and Cons of affiliating with a DSO
  • Unpacking DSO deal structures
  • Debunking myths about DSOs
  • Case studies
Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Brannon Moncrief
CEO, McLerran & Associates