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培育專注力失調及過度活躍症兒童及其照顧者:建立自信、抗逆力與自我照顧 Nurturing ADHD Children and Their Caregivers: Building Confidence, Resilience, and Self-Care

About This Webinar

照顧患有專注力失調及過度活躍症(ADHD)的兒童是一項充滿挑戰的任務,而同時確保家長和照顧者的身心健康更是不可忽視。在這場講座中,Moonlake Lee女士將深入講解如何有效地支持ADHD兒童的成長,同時維護照顧者的自我照顧和精神健康。




Caring for children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a challenging task, and it is equally important to prioritize the mental and physical well-being of parents and caregivers. In this webinar, Ms. Moonlake Lee will explore effective ways to support the growth of ADHD children while also emphasizing the importance of self-care for their caregivers.

Drawing from her extensive experience, Ms. Lee will share practical strategies for nurturing ADHD children, including building their confidence and resilience, and fostering positive behavior and emotional regulation through small, everyday changes. She will also discuss how caregivers can find balance amidst their busy lives and maintain their own health and well-being.

This webinar is perfect for parents, teachers, caregivers, or anyone interested in ADHD. Learn valuable techniques and insights that will help you better support children with ADHD while taking care of your own needs. Join us to discover how to create a stronger and happier environment for both children and their caregivers!

We look forward to connecting with you at the webinar!

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Founder and Director of Unlocking ADHD
Moonlake Lee 是 Unlocking ADHD 的創辦人兼執行董事,這是一家在新加坡國家社會服務理事會 (NCSS) 旗下註冊的慈善和社會服務機構。她本人也是專注力失調及過度活躍症 (ADHD) 患者,在50歲時確診,這是在她青少年女兒確診後的一年。

Moonlake 擁有多重身份,她曾擔任律師、醫療保健市場專員、投資者、導師、跑者以及社區建設者。她的教育和職業生涯遍及美國、加拿大和新加坡。她曾是《海峽時報》2022年「年度新加坡人」的決賽入圍者,並在2021年首屆「40位超過40歲的啟發性新加坡女性」評選中榮獲社會貢獻類別的獎項。

在個人生活方面,Moonlake 已經與她的丈夫結婚超過30年。她的丈夫是一名國家級大師馬拉松選手,他們有兩個正在上大學的女兒。她的工作就是她的生活,但她努力在工作與生活之間找到平衡,參加半程馬拉松,與她的兩隻貓玩耍,並與丈夫一起旅行,參加他的比賽和商務會議。

Moonlake Lee is the Founder and Executive Director of Unlocking ADHD, a registered charity and social service agency under the National Council of Social Service (NCSS). She is also an ADHDer, diagnosed at age 50, a year after her teen daughter was diagnosed.

A multi-hyphenate, Moonlake has been a lawyer, healthcare marketer, investor, mentor, runner and community builder. Her education and career spans USA, Canada and Singapore. She was a Finalist of The Straits Times Singaporean of The Year 2022 and an awardee of the inaugural Singapore 40-over-40 Inspiring Women in 2021 in the Social Contributor category.

On the personal front, Moonlake has been married for over 30 years to a national Masters marathoner and she has two daughters who are in university. Her work is her life but she tries to strike a balance with participating in half marathons, playing with her two cats and travelling with her husband to his races and business meetings.
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