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Dave Briggs
Head of Digital Operations, LB Croydon
Dave is a popular thought leader on digital transformation, with a blog read by thousands internationally and a regular speaker at conferences Co-founder and organiser of the hugely influential GovCamp and LocalGovCamp movements of practitioner based unconferences
Kate Hurr
Digital & Innovation Manager, Cumbria CC
Nick Hill
Host, LocalGovDigital LOCKDOWN
Creator of Public Sector Forums, #channelshiftcamp, Public Sector Customer Services Forum & Event Maker @ LocalGovDigital
Simon Pike
Market Solution Specialist, Netcall
Simon has 15 years of Product Management and Marketing Solutions Experience in software development companies. He is passionate about delivery of solutions that improve service delivery.
At the start of the COVID-19 Pandemic it became clear that Local Gov would have to adapt and deliver relevant IT projects. As you will hear, Councils used Liberty Create to deliver working solutions in days.
Now we face the uncertainty of the new normal. Will service transformation continue? And how can low code technology support you to deliver your objectives?