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Prioritizing Officer Well-Being While Navigating Trauma and Building Resilience

About This Webinar

We need more than just GRIT! Balancing and prioritizing the health, wellbeing, and resiliency for law enforcement professionals is vital to equipping them with essential skills and knowledge to navigate traumatic events and to build resiliency. This pre-recorded, on-demand webinar focuses on the common misconceptions of trauma in law enforcement professionals, explores the coping mechanisms for building resiliency, and identifies officer wellness activities that support becoming balanced and resilient professionals.

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Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: $30.00
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Tania A
Director of Professional Development, Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice
Tania Appling is the Director of Office of Professional Development at the Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) where she oversees DJJ’s professional development courses for agency staff. Dr. Appling has been employed with DJJ since 1997 and has worked in several capacities within the DJJ. As Director, she has been instrumental in developing, launching, and overseeing several leadership, specialized, and core training programs. Dr. Appling is an active member American Parole Probation Association, serving on the Executive Board of Directors as the Board Treasurer, previous Board Member at Large, Leadership Institute Mentor, served as the Program Chair and Co-Chair for the two Winter Training Institutes. Dr. Appling is the current Council Training Chair for the Central Georgia Council of Boy Scouts of America and Board member for GA Schools of Addiction Studies. Dr. Appling received her Ph. D. in Educational Psychology from Walden University and holds master’s degrees in educational psychology and public administration from the State University of West Georgia. Dr. Appling holds several certifications including Master Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) Instructor and is John Maxwell-Certified Coach, Teacher, and Speaker and memberships in American Counseling Association, American Correctional Association, and The Association of Women Executives in Corrections.
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APPA Webinars webinar platform hosts Prioritizing Officer Well-Being While Navigating Trauma and Building Resilience
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