The Family Spiral

About This Series

Addiction is a bio-psycho-social disorder that affects the entire family. For every individual affected with this disorder, there are a minimum of 5 other people who are affected emotionally, physically, mentally, financially, socially and spiritually - in most cases, family members. Many people in recovery from substance use or behavioural use disorders speak to the “cunning, powerful and baffling” impacts on their lives.

This two-part interactive session will address the following questions: What is addiction? How does someone become addicted? What are the physical, emotional and spiritual effects on the individual with substance use and/or behavioural use disorders? What is the impact on the family?

This is a 2-evening program for family members, friends and support persons who are concerned about someone with a substance use, behavioural addiction or mental health issue.

Family Spiral Series: Offered by Rideauwood's Family and Parent Counsellors and Living Potential.

To register please click the 'Register Now' button in the top right corner.
Sessions in this Series
  • February 16, 2022
    The Family Spiral: Part 1 - Addiction – How did this happen to us?
    In Part 1 of this series we will provide helpful information about the bio-psychosocial impacts of addition including the spectrum of... View more
  • February 23, 2022
    The Family Spiral: Part 2 – The Chaos and Empowerment of Addiction
    In this session we will explore the emotional impact of addiction as well as looking at defense systems and the empowerment triangle.

We look forward to seeing you!
