In light of the current economic crisis Florida Wealth Coach Rebecca Walser is offering an online course to provide strategies that will preserve your retirement savings. You don't want to miss this important online event.
Many of the retirement strategies utilized by our parents have grown outdated and may no longer have application for those looking to retire today. This class compares and contrasts the old retirement paradigms of yesteryear and the new paradigms of today. Attendees will discover how to insulate themselves from the risks of rising taxes, Social Security taxation, and how to avoid common mistakes that increase the chances or running out of money as you distribute your assets in retirement.
This course is designed to give each attendee a comprehensive and Plain-English financial education, while also exposing various pitfalls and risks that threaten to derail many retirees today.
This event is purely educational – no specific products or services will be offered.
• The impact of dramatic market loss in retirement
• Is “buy and hold” appropriate in retirement?
• How to safeguard against two types of investment risk
• The old retirement vs. TODAY’S retirement
• How to create a clear vision for retirement that could lead to less stress and more happiness.
• What is the SECURE Act of 2020 and how could it effect your retirement?
• Why experts say tax rates could double
• How rising taxes may affect your retirement cash flow
• The “Catch 22” of 401k’s and IRA’s
• How lost deductions may affect your taxes in retirement
• The three basic retirement accounts
• How to accumulate dollars in the right types of accounts for future retirement income
• What’s better for you: tax-deferred or tax-free accounts?
• How to define a “true” tax-free investment
• The causes of Social Security taxation
• The Social Security thresholds you need to be aware of
• The real cost of Social Security taxation
• How the new rules on “Rate of Withdrawal” affect People Nearing Retirement
• How to ensure you won’t run out of money in retirement
• How to liquidate retirement assets in the right order
Rebecca Walser
Financial Advisor
Rebecca Walser is a Top 100 US Advisor1, a Tax Attorney, a Wealth Strategist, a Certified Financial Planner® and now a #1 Bestselling Author of her first book, Wealth Unbroken – Growing Wealth Uninterrupted By Market Crashes, Taxes, And Even Death.
Ms. Walser is D I F F E R E N T… She has combined her years of financial experience with her tax law expertise to create an approach to building and sustaining wealth that most conventional advisors never even consider. Most advisors are new to tax diversification plays, but they are quite late to the game. Furthermore, they are not actually qualified to give you tax advice as their disclosures direct you to seek the advice of a tax professional. Most often, they are just advisors with a tax message… or they are an advisor with no tax message at all – even worse.
Leveraging her background as a financial consultant and a tax attorney, Rebecca discovered the two fundamental flaws in building and accumulating wealth in America since the 1980s – a case she builds quite thoroughly in her book. The combined threats of extreme market volatility and future tax law changes – which will be necessary due to the vastly changing demographics of the US population and the economic position of America in 2018 – demand a fresh approach to building your wealth where the status quo is intentionally challenged for its glaring failures. Rebecca is uniquely qualified to structure and implement such fresh strategies for her clients.
Many people falsely believe they have everything covered through the combined advice of their advisor and CPA. But, in fact, most CPAs do not practice tax mitigation/tax minimization strategies and give the exact opposite advice they should in order to achieve those objectives. “The reality is that relying on your CPA to minimize your taxes over your lifetime will fail most Americans and their CPA doesn’t even realize it!” said Ms. Walser and she was interviewed on this exact topic by the Journal of Accountancy, the premier professional journal of CPAs. “If people have been following conventional financial advice, then, they are, without a doubt , missing the boat!” she continued.
Ms. Walser has built a national advisory wealth practice, under the overall umbrella of understanding coming taxation and where wealth should be built, with clients across the country where the practice’s tag line is appropriately ‘Challenging the Wisdom of Convention.’ “When someone has that inner voice telling them there is something more they should be doing, that is when they come to us… they get it and hopefully many more will get it before it is too late,” Ms. Walser concluded.