76% of risk professionals think connected systems leave them at risk of cyber attacks. Digital transformation and distributed processing create unforeseen risks scenarios, vulnerabilities, and attacks. Now, vital data does not live only in isolation on flight computers and mission systems, but it’s created and processed across multiple systems and processes, from basic single-purpose sensors to open-source container-orchestration systems. 60% of organizations have suffered a malware attack in the last year with 49% suffering an unrecoverable data event.

Join this mini-webinar to learn:

How to reduce risks by securing data in all states
How to protect the mission, starting from assuming the attacker is already in the system
How to securely update your software, even in-flight
How encrypted “vaults” can prevent an aircraft from allowing malicious code to be delivered during the update process
Moderator: Woodrow Bellamy III
Editor-in-Chief, Avionics International and Assistant Program Manager, Global Connected Aircraft Summit
Michael Mehlberg
Director of Sales at Star Lab, a Wind River company
Michael Mehlberg is the Director of Sales at Star Lab, a Wind River company. He earned a bachelor’s degree in computer science from Purdue University, has worked in the field of anti-tamper for 17 years, and has extensive experience in reverse-engineering, threat modeling, risk assessment, and system security technologies. Michael now focuses on marketing, sales, and business development for aerospace and defense at Star Lab, a Wind River company in the Washington DC area.
Aerospace Webinars
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