No one can deny it has been a crazy year. Some many industries having to pivot and find the new normal in their industries. Event managers are no exception, and it cannot be denied that the event industry has suffered greatly. Event managers have had to assess the situation, find new ways to forge ahead, and because of this, virtual events have become the go-to answer. However, it is very clear that in-person events are just as essential for education and networking and will not be going anywhere.

Now, it is time to think about a different type of event – hybrid events. There will be situations, such as this global pandemic, where a virtual event is the only option. There will also be situations where an in-person event will be the most effective way of collecting leads and engaging your audience. Hybrid events, or events that combine both in-person and virtual experiences, will be an essential part of the new normal in the events industry. So, what components create a successful hybrid event? How do you engage both in-person and virtual attendees? And how do you ensure sponsors and exhibitors are reaching the right attendees and seeing the value in the money spent? We will answer these questions and more. Come learn how to design a successful hybrid event and how to adapt your event and conference strategy around this new, necessary type of programming.

eShow’s Virtual Event Management Platform (VEM™) gives event managers the power to create engaging virtual experiences that deliver education, networking, and engagement for attendees.

This is part two of a three-part series of webinars taking place in October. To register for the other webinars, visit goeshow.com/webinars.cfm.
Raju Patel
CEO/Founder, eShow
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