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Resilience Planning for Your Community

About This Webinar

Benjamin Franklin once said, "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." This quick session will highlight NAPC's CAMP Resilience and Disaster Planning, a cutting edge training program designed to empower preservation commissioners, staff, preservation leaders, and practitioners at the local level working to protect its irreplaceable cultural resources in the face of disasters and future environmental conditions.

CE Credits: 1 AIA | AICP | HSW

Who can view: People who registered for the webinar only
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Principal, The Craig Group, Lodi, CA
Lisa Craig serves as President and Principal Planner for The Craig Group Partners, LLC. In this role she leads a team of design and planning professionals to support community leaders, local government and nonprofit organizations in growing the economic value and protecting the architectural and cultural integrity of historic communities. Her experience in historic preservation, community engagement and resilience planning has made her a popular speaker and trainer. Previous to starting her Ms. Craig served for seven years as Chief of Historic Preservation for the City of Annapolis. She led historic research, design, commission training, legislation and procedures drafting, grant writing, community engagement, and production of educational materials and programs for the City. She spearheaded the Weather It Together initiative, a Cultural Resource Hazard Mitigation Plan identified by the National Trust for Historic Preservation as a national model for resiliency planning. Previous to her work in Annapolis, Ms. Craig worked as project executive with Forest City Military Communities, Washington, DC leading property development activities for the $82 million housing privatization project at the United States Air Force Academy. Ms. Craig’s background also includes serving as State Historic Preservation Officer for the District of Columbia; and working for the National Trust for Historic Preservation as the head of the Southern Field Office and Director of Preservation Partnerships. Ms. Craig currently serves as a lead trainer for the NAPC's CAMP Resilience. She meets the Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualification Standards and has served as an expert witness for numerous legal cases. She graduated summa cum laude with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Historic Preservation from the Savannah College of Art & Design and went on for Master’s work at the University of Oregon in Historic Preservation. Ms. Craig lives in Lodi, California where she also serves as Vice-Mayor.
Email: LCraigGroup@gmail.com
Webinar hosting presenter
Dr. Angela Schedel is the Director of Coastal Programs at HDR in Jacksonville, Florida. Her experience conducting resilience planning for National Historic Landmark communities is unmatched in the coastal engineering industry. A trusted project manager executing multi-million dollar contracts, Dr. Schedel excels at organization, public speaking, attention to detail, and technical acumen. She is well-known within her field as a respected change agent who is enthusiastic and encourages, motivates, and persuades. A a recently retired Naval Officer, Dr. Schedel served 20 years as a helicopter pilot and an engineering professor at the U.S. Naval Academy. While teaching there, she worked on the Superintendent’s Sea Level Rise Advisory Council, which assessed the coastal flooding threat to the historic campus and provided adaptation recommendations. Dr. Schedel also served as the Deputy Director of the Naval Academy’s Engineering Division, a leadership post equivalent to the Assistant Dean of Engineering at a civilian university. Dr. Schedel’s research interests focus on climate change resiliency and adaptation. That research, including a Ph.D. dissertation, “Sea-Level Rise and its Economic Effects on Naval Installations” and practical adaptation projects, have earned her recognition as a subject matter leader and resulted in her being invited to speak to a variety of forums and conferences related to sea-level rise research, policy, and adaptation solutions. She currently serves on the Florida Building Commission’s Hurricane Research Advisory Board and The Nature Conservancy of Florida’s Nature-Based Solutions Planning and Permitting Workgroup.
Email: alschedel@gmail.com
Attended (292)