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Unlocking Insights: Enhanced Dashboard Reporting

About This Webinar

In this session we will be taking a look at our dynamic dashboards that are available to our hosted customers, and how these can be used for effective upward reporting in your organisation.

We will also be running through some updates that have been made to the reports recently.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Product Director
In his role as Product Director, Adam is responsible for upgrading the Energy Manager software, alongside developing business intelligence applications to unlock the true potential of energy data, helping to drive improved decision making for customers.
Webinar hosting presenter
Customer Success Manager
Laura is a Customer Success Manager at SystemsLink. With a strong background in technology and a passion for customer satisfaction, she excels at building and maintaining long-lasting relationships with clients. Laura has a deep understanding of SystemLink’s software products and their capabilities, allowing her to effectively guide customers process and help them maximise the value of their software investments.
Hosted By
SystemsLink webinar platform hosts Unlocking Insights: Enhanced Dashboard Reporting
The UK’s industry-leading utilities, carbon and analytics management software provider.
Attended (70)