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Business Management Track: L10s: The Biggest Bang for the Buck Tool in the EOS Toolbox

About This Webinar

"Death by Meeting" no more! Wouldn't you love to have not just good meetings, but really GREAT meetings? Meetings that start on time, end on time, and are truly effective? Beth Fahey, Certified EOS Implementer, will walk you through the EOS Level 10 agenda, one of the most powerful tools in the EOS Toolbox. This simple agenda will change your meetings forever. No more chasing squirrels, enduring politicking, or wasting time talking about things that don't matter. You'll start solving the real issues in your business, which will have you running a better business -- and ultimately, living a better life.

Who can view: People who attended or registered for the webinar only
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Professional EOS Implementer, Traction Process Associates
Like a lot of entrepreneurs, Beth has had a colorful work history. She worked as a camera assistant in the film business, owned a bakery, and was the president of a national trade association. In all the positions she has held, there has been a common theme of art and science intersecting with the human element.
What she likes best about EOS is how it pulls together the creative aspects of visioning and then breaks it down into actionable steps so that the collaborative vision of the leadership team can come alive. In teaching EOS to clients across several different industries, she has loved seeing the ways in which EOS has made a positive change in the lives of the leadership teams and subsequently, their employees.
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Gustave A Larson  webinar platform hosts Business Management Track: L10s: The Biggest Bang for the Buck Tool in the EOS Toolbox
Gustave A Larson Virtual Conference
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