DevOps is the subject and we have invited two outstanding speakers who will cover the subject using a “Top Down” and a “Bottom Up” approach.
Wouter Ruigrok, Agile Quality Coach, DevOps Coach and author at Sogeti, will present his take on, Quality in a DevOps world (Top Down) whereas Fredrik Scheja, Test & QA Advisor will present a concrete DevOps Case (Bottom Up).
Join this session to get to know everything about the Agile Quality Improvement framework, the practical application of DevOps and get your DevOps knowledge to the next level!
We look forward to inspiring you at yet another Testing Tuesday.
Quality in a DevOps world, it’s all about improving.
DevOps is all about continuous improvement. improving product, process and quality, respond to change and strive for high customer satisfaction. The Agile Quality Improvement framework focuses on these ambitions, working from Business Drivers to achieve the highest possible quality, which suits the environment and the product.
Wouter Ruigrok will take you through the framework and how it can be applied:
- What do the quality values mean and what are the key areas?
- How do these fit in a DevOps environment?
Using practical examples and real live cases, Wouter shows how this framework can help teams and organizations with Agile Quality improvement and working DevOps in a way that quality is an extra enabler in achieving the IT goals and business drivers.
DevOps Case
Many testers are struggling to find their own place in their team, while we in DevOps shout out slogans like ‘automate everything’!
This presentation takes a look into a concrete case from the health sector to showcase the difference between trans-formative vs transactional testing and how testers will be able to form their tasks to fit into the modern test strategy of the future.
At the Swedish health sector at Region Västerbotten, testers work as transformative testers and view themselves as operative scientists using advanced DevOps methodology. They look at each requirement as a hypothesis that can potentially improve patient experience. Therefore each hypotheses must be truly challenged through professional analyses by using technical and business related data. The insights will be as good (or bad) as the data leads us to believe. This is achieved by stepping away from the “Tayloristic” testing mindset and apply true DevOps methodology and culture.
Quality Academy
We have recently updated our courses portfolio with the latest materials and courses.
For DevOps foundation, go to:
For courses portfolio, go to :
Science & tech
08.00 | Welcome
08.05 | Quality in a DevOps world, it’s all about improving | Wouter Ruigrok
08.35 | DevOps Case presentation | Fredrik Scheja
Science & tech
Tuesday, September 22, 2020 · 8:00 a.m.
Wouter is an enthusiastic Agile Quality Coach who, with his passion for technology and product development, helps teams and organizations to increase quality in the production process. He has an eye for the individuals in the team and the...
Fredrik Scheja work as a Test&QA advisor and is active in various companies and sectors throughout Sweden. He is constantly trying to bring back the feeling we had as kids when testing was something that was natural to us, something we had a surge...