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Wie lassen sich Ransomware-Angriffe schon vor Beginn einer Kampagne stoppen? E-Mail ist der Übertragungsvektor, der bei Angriffen am häufigsten genutzt wird. Eine wirksame E-Mail-Sicherheitslösung ist der Schlüssel zur Verhinderung wesentlicher Ransomware-Techniken wie Phishing und Business Email Compromise (BEC), mit denen Benutzer-Anmeldedaten erfasst oder schädliche Inhalte übertragen werden können. In diesem Webinar erfahren Sie, wie Trellix Email Security hocheffektive E-Mail-Sicherheit bereitstellt und dank XDR den nötigen Schutz vor Ransomware bietet.

Das Webinar zum Thema E-Mail-Sicherheit ist jetzt als On-Demand Version verfügbar.
Im Webinar erläutern wir folgende Vorteile von Trellix Email Security:

  • Branchenführende E-Mail-Sicherheit zur Erkennung und Abwehr von Angriffen mit Phishing, Nachahmung und Business Email Compromise

  • Native Integration in Trellix XDR zur Erkennung von Ransomware-Zwischenfällen

Senior Solutions Engineer - Trellix
Josef Gillhuber, CISSP, Senior Solutions Engineer at Trellix is dedicated to working closely on all-encompassing IT-Security projects with customers in all different verticals.
With over 22 years of experience, Josef is passionate about crafting precisely fitting IT-Security strategies, utilizing comprehensive, integrated solutions to support large enterprise and government customers’ in addressing their ever-evolving cybersecurity challenges.
During his career Josef was working tirelessly to emphasize the stringently required collaboration of adaptable smart technology and people, which is why he became a well-recognized trusted advisor for many organizations.
Senior Solutions Engineer - Trellix
Harald Swieca, Senior Solutions Engineer at Trellix is dedicated to working closely on IT-Security and Data Protection projects with partners and customers in all different verticals.
With over 22 years of experience in IT Security, Harald is passionate about crafting precisely fitting Security and Data Protection strategies.
He supports medium and large enterprise customers’ in solving their ever-evolving data protection and cybersecurity challenges, utilizing comprehensive and integrated endpoint, network and cloud solutions. Which is why he became a well-recognized trusted advisor for many organizations.