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Embrace the Industrial IoT with Next Generation Data Historians

About This Webinar

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is revolutionizing the way we collect, store, and analyze data. With the proliferation of connected devices, organizations are generating massive amounts of data that can be used to improve efficiency, productivity, and safety.
However, traditional data historians are not designed to handle the volume, velocity, and variety of data generated by the IIoT.

This session will explore the limitations of traditional data historians and discuss how next generation data historians can help organizations to:
• Centralize data across multiple sites: Next generation data historians can help organizations to consolidate data from disparate sources into a single repository. This makes it easier to track and analyze data across the entire organization.
• Integrate AI and ML tools for analytics: Next generation data historians can be integrated with AI and ML tools to provide insights that would not be possible with traditional data analysis methods. This can help organizations to identify trends, predict outcomes, and make better decisions.
• Share data with internal and external stakeholders: Next generation data historians can make it easy to share data with internal and external stakeholders. This can help to improve collaboration and communication, and it can also help to drive innovation.
• Future-proof data systems by integrating open-source technologies: Next generation data historians can be built on open-source technologies, which makes them more flexible and scalable. This can help organizations to future-proof their data systems and ensure that they are able to keep up with the ever-growing volume of data.

• Limitations of traditional data historians for centralizing and sharing industrial data
• Centralizing data across multiple sites
• Integrating AI and ML tools for analytics
• Sharing data with internal and external stakeholders
• Future-proofing data systems by integrating open-source technologies

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Editor/Moderator, POWER magazine
Sonal Patel is a national award–winning journalist, who has covered a wide range of technology, business, and policy issues for POWER since 2008. Along with keeping her eye on international matters for the magazine’s monthly Global Monitor section, she contributes in-depth analysis and spot news pieces for POWER and its other media channels. Sonal also surveys, crunches, and visualizes power sector data and trends for inclusion in web and print infographics. She is a graduate of the University of Houston.
Webinar hosting presenter
Founder & CEO
Jeff Tao is the founder and CEO of TDengine. He has a background as a technologist and serial entrepreneur, having previously conducted research and development on mobile Internet at Motorola and 3Com and established two successful tech startups. Foreseeing the explosive growth of time-series data generated by machines and sensors now taking place, he founded TDengine in May 2017 to develop a modern data historian purpose-built for the Industrial IoT.
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