Presentation #1:
Behavioral insights to food choices and decisions
Speaker: Dr. Yann Cornil, University of British Columbia
Step into the world of food psychology and understand why your clients make
the food choices they do. Discover the behavioural science behind food choice and portion control. Learn the relationship between pleasure and health, the effectiveness of nutrition labels on food choice, and the psychological drivers of portion control. Take away effective strategies that you can use with your clients to encourage healthier food choices at home, school, in grocery stores, and restaurants, without sacrificing on pleasure.
Presentation #2:
3 winning strategies to help your clients make fruits and veggies the easy choice
Speaker: Jennifer Ong Tone MHSc RD, Half Your Plate
Eating a variety of vegetables and fruit is the foundation for a healthy diet. But
Canadians’ vegetable and fruit intake is consistently low. Add to this rising food
costs, how can we as dietitians, better support our clients to help them fill half
their plate with veggies and fruit? In this presentation, you’ll learn the top barriers to produce consumption, consumer trends, and how the pandemic has shifted consumer behaviour. Take away winning strategies to tackle food
inflation, produce waste, and more to help your clients make fruits and veggies
the easy choice.
BA (Sciences Po Lille), MSc (HEC Paris), PhD (INSEAD)
Yann Cornil is an Associate Professor of Marketing and Behavioural Science at the University of British Columbia, Sauder School of Business. He received his Ph.D. in Marketing from INSEAD (France & Singapore) in 2015.
Jennifer Ong Tone is a dietitian at the Canadian Produce Marketing Association, a non-profit association based in Ottawa who represents the fruit and vegetable industry. In her role, Jennifer champions the Half Your Plate program, a healthy living...
The only directory dedicated to listing private services, products and events by registered dietitians practicing in BC. We help connect you to the nutrition expert that will help you reach your goals.
Half Your Plate is an initiative lead by the Canadian Produce Marketing Association, in partnership with the Heart and Stroke Foundation, the Canadian Public Health Association and the Canadian Cancer Society to improve fruit and veggie...
The only directory dedicated to listing private services, products and events by registered dietitians practicing in BC. We help connect you to the nutrition expert that will help you reach your goals.