Join us for an exclusive webinar that explores how measuring and monitoring the right metrics can transform your procurement strategy. Based on an analysis of the top performing procurement leaders , Vertice will reveal the untapped metrics that they use to unlock the greatest ROI, discover time saving opportunities, maintain compliance, remove risk, and grow both efficiency and spend under management.

Front line procurement experts will show how focusing on these metrics leads to procurement strategies that deliver the greatest strategic impact, including improving the business’ overall speed to market, ability to innovate, continuous compliance and spend efficiency.

Key Takeaways:

-How to identify essential metrics: Learn about the underused but critical data points that drive the greatest procurement efficiency and strategic outcomes.

-How to monitor them: An instruction manual for where to source the data to build these metrics.

-How to use these metrics strategically: Don’t just measure for the sake of it. Learn how to use each metric to deliver greatest value to the business.
Tuesday, April 1, 2025 · 3:00 p.m. London (GMT +1:00)
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