On paper, your processes are probably pretty great. You’ve got communication guidelines, rules around the tools you use, where assets live and how they’re shared.
But these workflows probably don’t capture all the micro-adjustments your team has had to make with each new project. An extra email here, two follow up reminders there, an hour lost searching your platforms for a piece of data…and so you end up with a more complicated actual process your team has developed to navigate the work they deal with.
Why is it so hard to create workflows that are clear enough to follow but flexible enough to adapt to the way people actually work?
If you’ve been struggling with process chaos within your team, this session is for you. We’ve challenged Dave and Nim from Kintone to not only teach us the right way to create effective team workflows, but also run a hands-on, audience-led exploration of exactly how to create adaptable processes you can adjust as needs change.
What you'll learn:
- How to creative effective workflows for your team
- How to leverage tools in your workflow without creating redundancies
- How to leverage tech to make your multi-tool workflow flexible
- Real-world recipes for specific use cases and the pain points they solve
What you take away:
- Better visibility on current friction points in your existing workflows
- How to create adaptable processes that help you embrace change
- Where to utilize tech to shoulder the burden of change management
- How to minimize workflow chaos without changing the tools your team loves