A perfect opportunity to experience life at Nelson College London.
Representatives from all programmes will be on standby, to answer any questions you might have about the subject you would like to study at Nelson College London.
What’s more, you will get all the information about the campus and the facilities along with a chance to WIN FREE £25 Amazon Gift Card!
Nelson College London is open to all students from the United Kingdom and the European Union. Student life at Nelson College London is more than studying hard, writing assignments and taking exams; it is also about socialising and communicating, making contacts, meeting interesting people and forming lasting friendships.
For the year 2019 the College has been awarded Silver Rating in the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) which showcases that Nelson College London delivers high quality teaching, learning and outcomes for its students that consistently exceed rigorous national quality requirements for UK higher education.
Nelson College London is proud of its achievements. We offer an educational experience which is shaped by enthusiasm, discipline, insight and creativity: an educational experience which meets the demands of the contemporary world.
Hi everyone, the Open Day went on very well in my opinion. It was well informative and easily understood. Well done to the entire staff keep it up. Under Course Composition, I noticed that portfolios are included would that be for all the subjects as we did nothing of the sort during HND period, wondered what form it would take. Ethel