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Replay our online panel discussion: "The future of investment promotion"

About This Webinar

The global economic and political environment is changing dramatically. This will create significant challenges – but also opportunities – for investment promotion agencies (IPAs) and other organizations responsible for attracting investment to their locations. IPAs will need to change their business models and, in some cases, reinvent themselves to continue delivering value.

FDI Center, in collaboration with WAIPA, organized this panel discussion. The panelists were Pilar Madrigal, Director Investment Advisory, Costa Rican Investment Promotion Agency (CINDE), Nicola Watkinson, General Manager, The Americas, Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade), Kenny McDonald, CEcD, President & CEO, One Columbus, Boštjan Skalar, CEO of WAIPA, and Andreas Dressler, Managing director of FDI Center. Some of the topics addressed include:
• What are the main challenges that IPAs will face in the near to medium term?
• How can IPAs contribute to their government’s economic recovery efforts?
• What opportunities exist for IPAs to attract new investment?
• How will the role of IPAs and similar organizations change?
• How can IPAs adjust their strategies and operating models to adapt to the new environment?
• How can IPAs remain relevant and continue to generate economic returns and societal value?

This discussion provides timely practical advice for economic development agencies and investment promotion agencies from around the world that are seeking to remain competitive in the new environment.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
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FDI Center webinar platform hosts Replay our online panel discussion: "The future of investment promotion"
FDI Center is a leading advisory firm in the field of foreign direct investment (FDI).

We specialize in the attraction of FDI by investment promotion agencies, economic development agencies, industrial parks, and special economic zones from all parts of the world.