1 in 10 mothers suffer from surgical site infections following caesarean sections¹.

This webinar aims to provide clinicians with insights into the burden and impact of a complication following caesarean surgery. It will explore the importance of identifying factors that can contribute to an increased risk of complication, implementation of pathways and the role of negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT).

Learning Objectives
By attending this event, participants will be able to:
• Understand the impact of surgical site wound complications following a C-Section.
• Learn about risk scoring and implementing pathways for prevention
• Understand the role of NPWT in reducing complications and the mode of Action of PICO™ Single Use Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (sNPWT)
• Discussions and Q&A opportunities

To apply for CPD after watching on-demand please email nurseledconferences@markallengroup.com
  • Session 1: Presentation by Darly Mathew on "Surgical Site Infections (SSI) rates and incidence, Implementing PICO sNPWT Case Study and Pathway Importance"
  • Session 2: Presentation by Runi Brownhill on "How does PICO sNPWT work? Mode of Actions of sNPWT and mode of action linked to AIRLOCK™ Technology"
  • Session 3: Presentation by Alexander Taylor
  • Discussion and Q&A: All Speakers
Darly Mathew
Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Chesterfield Royal Hospitals
Darly has been a Consultant in O&G for over 10 years, following training in London and Nottingham, and is currently lead for gynae cancer services in her Trust. Darly enjoys Obstetrics and is continually developing ways to improve patient experience for birthing mothers, she is involved in numerous quality improvement activities and setting up wound management pathways is one of them.
Darly has a keen interest in education and teaches and trains midwives and doctors in interprofessional settings in addition to being an examiner for undergraduate medical courses and for postgraduate studies.
Alexander Taylor
Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, University Hospital Plymouth NHS Trust
Alexander Taylor has been a consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology for 10 years. Having been Risk and Governance Lead for Maternity for 7 years, he is now the labour ward lead and a RCOG College Tutor. As part of a public health initiative to improve the safety of women with raised BMI in pregnancy, Mr Taylor introduced NPWT into Obstetrics in 2014.
Sponsored by Smith & Nephew
Smith & Nephew is a diversified advanced medical technology company that supports healthcare professionals in more than 100 countries.
We exist to restore people’s bodies and their self-belief by using technology to take the limits off living.
We’ll help you get CLOSER TO ZERO◊: Zero pressure ulcer incidence, zero delay in wound healing, zero surgical site complications, zero venous ulcer recurrence, zero diabetic amputations, zero waste of healthcare resources.
ZERO: The only target worth aiming for. We’ll help you get closer
1. Wloch C et al. Risk factors for surgical infections following C-section. BJOG. 2012;119(11):1324-33
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