The SBSTTA meeting in Montreal has unfortunately been postponed, but the Promote Pollinators secretariat has come up with an alternative. In close collaboration with the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan and Leiden Biodiversity Center Naturalis we will share relevant knowledge and increase awareness on the topic of pollinator protection. World Bee Day is the perfect day to do this together. On Wednesday May 20th we are hosting a webinar about the development of effective policy based on scientific studies to protect pollinators and their habitat. The webinar is open to the public, and both members and non-members are invited to participate. The webinar will take about 1,5 hours.
Jane Stout, co-founder of the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan: Five years later: what we have learned from the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan
Lorna Cole, Agricultural Ecologist at Scotland’s Rural College: evaluation of protective measures in agricultural landscapes
Arjen de Groot, Wageningen University: the key success factors for pollinator initiative
Koos Biesmeijer, Scientific director of Naturalis Biodiversity Center at Leiden, Netherlands: regional collaboration for biodiversity recovery